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Gold Medal - Dave Lilly
Silver Medal - Don Buchholz
Bronze Medal - Pat McNelis (DQ'd over wiffle ball blows shirt, but Barry concert brought him back)


Lifetime Achievement / Sponsorship Gold Medal - Patrick James McNelis

Humility Award - Don Buchholz and John Humphreys
for retirement of their jerseys as the "world champions" of Casino pool

Stale Donut Award - Eric Kromps
for demonstrating incredible will power in fighting the urge to eat
an entire box of donuts in less than an hour (it took a couple hours)

"24 Hour" Committment Award - Brian McNelis
for staying just 24 hours at the Festival, yet still pitching
to both teams in the once traditional Whiffle Ball double header


Gold Medal - Pat McCormick
Silver Medal - Chris Amari
Bronze Medal - John McNelis
Bronze Medal - Kelly O'Brien


Gold Medal - Don Buchholz
Gold Medal - John Humphreys
Silver Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Bronze Medal - Eric Kromps
Bronze Medal - John McNelis

"Athlete of the Decade" - John McNelis


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - John Humphreys
Bronze Medal - Eric Kromps


Following a malicious ransomware attack on the Commissioner's computer system,
and the subsequent refusal to pay the ransom by those preferring itemized billing,
all vital 2017 notes were destroyed and no medal winners could be determined.
While several accusations have been floated regarding Russians and/or NCP involvement,
to date, no credible evidence has been unveiled which supports these allegations.


"Silver Bullet" Award - All B&SF members, past and present
(Celebrating 25 Years of the Beer & Sports Festival)


Gold Medal - Brian McNelis
Silver Medal - Dave Lilly
Bronze Medal - Jason Craven
Bronze Medal - Pat McCormick

Don Buchholz (2 yellow cards)
John McNelis and Kelly O'Brien (conspiracy)


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - Pat McNelis
Bronze Medal - Don Buchholz
Bronze Medal - Eric Kromps

"The Red Cross Award" - Kelly O'Brien
Despite experiencing a ghastly injury during official B&SF preparation activites,
and suffering through the unimaginable anguish of back spasms that followed,
he somehow found the super-human fortitude to remain upright and drinking.


Gold Medal - John Humphreys
Silver Medal - Brian McNelis
Bronze Medal - Jason Craven
(Note: Jason Craven's Bronze Medal is currently in the lake.)

B&SF Lifetime Achievement Award

"The First Lady of B&SF" - Kerry A. McNelis
Recognizing her 21 years of behind-the-scenes dedication and
commitment to the overwhelming success of the Beer & Sports Festival.


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - Pat McNelis
Bronze Medal - Eric Kromps
Bronze Medal - Kelly O'Brien

36 Hour Award - Don Buchholz


Gold Medal - Team Gold
(20th annual - all participants, all in, 'nuf said!)

Rookie of the Year - Dave Lilly


Gold Medal - Don Buchholz
Silver Medal - Pat McCormick
Bronze Medal - Chris Amari
Bronze Medal - John McNelis

Rookie of the Year - Eric Kromps

B&SF Lifetime Achievement Awards (20 years of B&SF)

"Sportsmanship and Goodwill" - Patrick McNelis
Recognizing Pat's Ambassador-like qualities over the years not only to the B&SF team
but to the entire Huletts community at large (not to mention his overall entertainment value).

"Wiffle Ball Hall of Fame Inductee" - Brian McNelis
Matching his Wiffle Ball ERA, this Hall of Fame induction is unprecedented.
For first time in the history of all Sports Halls of Fame, there will be an
established charter member prior to the actual opening of the doors.

"Grammy Award" - Kelly O'Brien
Recognizing the continued advancements and creativity in the development of the
Platinum B&SF CD Collection. Special recognition to the CD introductions.


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - Brian McNelis
Silver Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Bronze Medal - Pat McNelis

"Athlete of the Decade" - John McNelis
"Athlete of the Decade", Runner Up - Pat McNelis
"Athlete of the Decade", Honorable Mention - Kelly O'Brien


Gold Medal - Pat McCormick
Silver Medal - John Humphreys
Bronze Medal - Brian McNelis

6 Day Weekend Award - John McNelis
6 Day Weekend Award - Kelly O'Brien


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Gold Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Silver Medal - Chris Amari
Silver Medal - Pat McNelis
Bronze Medal - Don Buchholz
Bronze Medal - Jason Craven


Gold Medal - Brian McNelis
Silver Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Bronze Medal - Don Buchholz
Bronze Medal - Pat McNelis


Gold Medal - Don Buchholz
Gold Medal - Pat McNelis
Silver Medal - Mark Ruocco
Bronze Medal - John Humphreys


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Bronze Medal - Jason Craven


Gold Medal - Team Gold
(In response to unusually strong performances by all B&SF
participants, a Team Gold was awarded for the first time in
the illustrious 12 year history of the Beer & Sports Festival.)


Gold Medal - Mark Ruocco
Silver Medal - John McNelis
Bronze Medal - Brian McNelis

First Team All-Decking - Pat McCormick*
First Team All-Decking - Pat McNelis

* This 2002 medal was actually received in 2007, and was the driving force
behind the new B&SF five year statute of limitations on receipt of medals.


Gold Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Silver Medal - Brian McNelis
Bronze Medal - Pat McNelis

First Team All-Decking - Jason Craven
First Team All-Decking - John McNelis


Gold Medal - Pat McNelis
Silver Medal - John Humphreys
Bronze Medal - Chris Amari

eXtreme Decking - Jason Craven
eXtreme Decking - John McNelis
eXtreme Decking - Kelly O'Brien


Gold Medal - Pat McNelis
Silver Medal - John McNelis
Bronze Medal - John Humphreys

First Team All-Decking - Jason Craven
First Team All-Decking - Kelly O'Brien

"Athlete of the Decade" - John Humphreys
"JFK Dedication & Commitment Award" - Kevin McNelis


Gold Medal - John Humphreys
Silver Medal - Pat McNelis
Silver Medal - Jason Craven
Bronze Medal - Pat McCormick

First Team All-Decking - John McNelis
First Team All-Decking - Kelly O'Brien

WNBA Award - Larry
(It's not really "Larry". The name was changed to protect the guilty.)


Gold Medal - BrianMcNelis
Silver Medal - Pat McNelis
Silver Medal - John Humphreys
Bronze Medal - John McNelis

Pizza Bagel Award - Kevin McNelis
(The first ever B&SF Lifetime Achievement award. An
estimated 2000+ served, and he hasn't peaked! Makes
Hank Aaron & Babe Ruth look kinda silly, doesn't it?)

First Team All-Decking - Jason Craven
First Team All-Decking - Kelly O'Brien
(After the long, hard struggle of a people - against
all odds and fighting "the Man" every step of the
way - Decking is finally recognized as a sport.)


Gold Medal - John Humphreys
Silver Medal - John McNelis
Bronze Medal - Kelly O'Brien

Honorable Mention - Kevin McNelis


Gold Medal - John McNelis
Silver Medal - John Humphreys
Bronze Medal - Kelly O'Brien
Bronze Medal - Mark Ruocco

Two-Day Award - Chris Amari
(Best performance for people who could only take two days.)


Gold Medal - Pat McCormick
Silver Medal - Brian McNelis
Bronze Medal - John Humphreys

Eddie Murray Award - Pat McNelis
(Most consistent without winning a Medal.)

6000 Miles For 36 Hours - John McNelis


Gold Medal - John Humphreys
Silver Medal - Don Buchholz
Bronze Medal - John McNelis


Fork Award - Mark Ruocco
(No one else was even close. This rivals joe dimagio's 56
game hitting streak. This performance was so outstanding,
the award was retired the same year it was presented!)

B&SFers - send your content ideas to mmmBeer@BeerAndSports.com

In case of a tie in a wiffle ball game, each team will pick one player to shoot RPS as the tiebreaker.
For an RPS tune-up, visit the websites here, here, and here, and be ready to shoot for the win!