by Dice Games
O wiffle ball,
thou art white and bright,
thy holes grasp the air,
and cause momentum's shift.
O wiffle ball,
a lake shall be your home,
some tape to warm your skin,
with loving hands applied.
O wiffle ball,
your friends gather,
and you join,
on the tennis grounds.
A gentle touch,
a pitcher's caress,
thou art floating,
A taped club,
direction changed,
your shit knocked out of you,
unless McCormick's swinging.
O wiffle ball,
your life has changed,
the fence is your friend,
you drop like a stone.
O wiffle ball,
you clear a tree,
you scrape on pavement,
this is your new life.
O wiffle ball,
your holes expand,
your shape changes,
you are now a puck.
O wiffle ball,
the frigid water,
temporary relief,
the pitcher has you again.
O wiffle ball,
do not cry,
you are appreciated,
you have 2 weeks to die.
B&SFers - send your content ideas to
In case of a tie in a wiffle ball game, each team will pick one player to shoot RPS as the tiebreaker.
For an RPS tune-up, visit the websites here,
and here,
and be ready to shoot for the win!